holiday is startin tomorrow so happy!!
Today is the last day of school!! So happy!!! Today i also get my report book.....i got very good grades, thats all. I wan to be humble
Eseiya is one of my close friends!!! She is a very kind gal and she is a very responsible gal!!! She is also very smart and i love her so much :P

This is my lil bro!!! He cute rite? Even though we are not blood related but i still love him so much :P He is a very good lil bro,he cheers me up when i am down!!! BTW his name is Amsyar :D
Hi!!! Today is another boring,watch movie and chattin wif friends.Can't we just stay at home? Finish exam and done our corrections already!!! Go to skool just wasting my time.Anyways tomorrow is the last day of skool so yea....spend more time wif friends and teachers!!!! Not only that, spend more time wif SAYANG!!! haha!!!
HAPPY JUNE HOLIDAY EVERYONE :P enjoy your holiday!!! Thats all i am gonna say about today.....CYA:D
Today i went to Singapore River!!!It was hot sia and theres not much shelter.I was quite sad that i was not in Hidayah's group but i have fun wif my group.I am not the leader but i have fun.My group have Deanna,Debbie,Denise,Felicia,krystal and ME!!! We interview people abt Singapore River and why they come to Singapore River and more.....We met one guy who act in the channel 8 show,he was very friendly and he gave us alot of information abt Singapore River.He sholud act in more shows!!!! We also met alot of people form China,Korea,America,Scotland and more....They were very friendly towards us:D I think that Singaporean should learn more from them.We met this old man he have been workin as a man who ride people around Singapore River using a tri-shore.....he have been working for 45 years!!! He is so damn strong at his age still can ride people around Singapore River!!!!!My class have lots of fun and we took alot of photo.We took photo wif the Americans and the famous man!! We also took photo of us doing things.....I have alot of fun and i also learn more abt my classmates!!!:P
hi peeps!!!so happy tomorrow going to Singapore River!!!I dont like going to Singapore River but it is better than studyin in class is going wif my sayang's class so yea...happy lah:D btw my sayang and me are in the different class:P!!! GTG post more next time kay.....
hi peeps!! Exams over so let celebrate!:P Exams over but results not.....i hate gettin results!!Gettin results is one of the worst thing in my life!!!To sad,still need to get results.I did well in my exam got good grades but CHINESE!!!Man,i hate chinese!!! Can't i just take malay for my MT anyways i did better in malay then chinese!!!!This is the first time i fail chinese!!!I don wan to make myself to stress so yea chill lah!! haha!!Gtg bye :D
hi peeps!!!this is my blog, and this is my first post so my blog i will write things that happen in my life!!enjoy my blog kay....